Jon Daly – ‘Abracadabralifornia’ RSD Black Friday Release is Available at the Following Stores:
Obsession Records | Anchorage, AK |
Underground Sounds | Ann Arbor, MI |
CD Warehouse (Arlington, TX) | Arlington, TX |
Angelo’s CD’s & Tapes | Aurora, CO |
End of An Ear | Austin, TX |
Waterloo | Austin, TX |
Amoeba Music Berkeley | Berkeley, CA |
Record Exchange Boise | Boise, ID |
Cactus Records & Gifts (MT) | Bozeman, MT |
Newbury Comics HQ | Brighton, MA |
Rough Trade Retail (USA) | Brooklyn, NY |
Revolver Records, Inc. | Buffalo, NY |
Isotope Music Inc | Burlington, ON |
Pure Pop Records | Burlington, VT |
Melodiya Records | Calgary, AB |
Sloth Records | Calgary, AB |
Spin Records | Carlsbad, CA |
White, Mack | Carrboro, NC |
Trusty Chords Record Shop | Caseyville, IL |
Bucket O’Blood Books & Records | Chicago, IL |
Rattleback Records | Chicago, IL |
Shuga Records | Chicago, IL |
Rhino Records Claremont | Claremont, CA |
The Long Ear | Coeur D Alene, ID |
Records Per Minute | Columbus, OH |
Used Kids | Columbus, OH |
Hybrid Records | Corpus Christi, TX |
Port of Sound Record Shoppe | Costa Mesa, CA |
Tunes Hoboken Inc | Crosswicks, NJ |
Good Records | Dallas, TX |
Spinster Records | Dallas, TX |
Omega Music (Dayton) | Dayton, OH |
Twist & Shout | Denver, CO |
Wax Trax Main Store HQ | Denver, CO |
ZZZ Records | Des Moines, IA |
Listen Records | Edmonton, AB |
Lou’s Records | Encinitas, CA |
Record Connection | Ephrata, PA |
House of Records | Eugene, OR |
Josey Records (Dallas) | Farmers Branch, TX |
Found Sound | Ferndale, MI |
Jack’s Record Stache | Flint, MI |
Wooden Nickel Music | Fort Wayne, IN |
Factory Records | Fountain Valley, CA |
The Record Shoppe (Grace Records) | Gilbert, AZ |
Down in the Valley | Golden Valley, MN |
Forever Young | Grand Prarie, TX |
Dr. Disc (Hamilton) | Hamilton, ON |
Revolution Records (Ontario) | Hamilton, ON |
Mill City Sound | Hopkins, MN |
Cactus Music | Houston, TX |
Square Cat Vinyl | Indianapolis, IN |
Record Collector Inc | Iowa City, IA |
Angry Mom Records | Ithaca, NY |
Barnacle Records | Kamloops, BC |
Hungry Ear Records | Kaneohe, HI |
Josey Records (Kansas City) | Kansas City, MO |
Young Ones | Kutztown, PA |
Ingram Entertainment | La Vergne, TN |
Angry, Young, & Poor | Lancaster, PA |
Cheapo Discs | Little Canada, MN |
Fingerprints | Long Beach, CA |
Guestroom Records Louisville | Louisville, KY |
Plaid Room Records | Loveland, OH |
MadCity Music Exchange Corp. | Madison, WI |
Strictly Discs | Madison, WI |
Record Den | Mentor, OH |
Electric Fetus | Minneapolis, MN |
Ear Candy | Missoula, MT |
Siren Records Monterey | Monterey, CA |
URP Music Distributors | Nashville, TN |
The Telegraph LLC | New London, CT |
Peaches Records | New Orleans, LA |
Waiting Room Records | Normal, IL |
1-2-3-4 Go! Records (Oakland) | Oakland, CA |
Guestroom Records OKC | Oklahoma City, OK |
Homer’s Records | Omaha, NE |
Alleycats Music | Orillia, ON |
The Exclusive Co. | Oshkosh, WI |
The Odds & Sods Shoppe | Ottawa, ON |
Canterbury Records | Pasadena, CA |
Monostereo One Stop (Record Stop) | Patchogue, NY |
Main Street Music | PHILADELPHIA, PA |
Repo Records | Philadelphia, PA |
The In Groove | Phoenix, AZ |
Zia Enterprises, Inc. | Phoenix, AZ |
Bull Moose Music | Portland, ME |
2nd Avenue Records | Portland, OR |
Jackpot Records | Portland, OR |
Music Millennium | Portland, OR |
Darkside Records & Gallery | Poughkeepsie, NY |
Le Knock-Out! | Québec, QC |
3 Dawgs Vinyl | Richmond, BC |
Record Archive | Rochester, NY |
M-Theory | San Diego, CA |
Normal Records | San Diego, CA |
Amoeba Music San Fran | San Francisco, CA |
Moldy Toes Records | San Juan Capistrano, CA |
Boo Boo Records-San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo, CA |
Vinyl Solution Record Store (San Mateo) | San Mateo, CA |
Streetlight – San Jose | Santa Cruz, CA |
Silver Platters LLC | Seattle, WA |
Sonic Boom Records-WA | Seattle, WA |
Go! Records (Spokane) | Spokane, WA |
Fred’s Records | St. John’s, NL |
Scotti’s | Summit, NJ |
Rotate This | Toronto, ON |
Tonality Records | Toronto, ON |
Neptoon Records | Vancouver, BC |
Stash Records | Vancouver, WA |
Salzer’s | Ventura, CA |
Redscroll Records | Wallingford, CT |
Spinnaker Records | West Barnstable, MA |
Easy Street Records | West Seattle, WA |